The Gator Way
Parent Guide to the Gator Way
What is the Gator Way?
The Gator Way (PBIS) is a schoolwide approach to teaching behavioral expectations in the same manner as any core curriculum subject. This process focuses on improving a school’s ability to teach and support positive behavior for all students. With The Gator Way, instructional time is more effectively used for teaching. The overall school environment is calm and conducive to learning. Research shows that students achieve at a higher level when they know school expectations and feel safe.
Gator Way Expectations
The Gator Way provides detailed expectations in the main areas of our school, while putting an emphasis on students being safe, respectful, and responsible. The success of our plan will improve with time and with the participation of our families. The Gator Way elements are:
There are three overall expectations for being a good student (safe, respectful, and responsible). During our lessons, students will explicitly be taught how the expectations of being a good student plays out in different school settings.
The Gator Way plan includes elements of a traditional discipline matrix that include school-wide expectations, specific consequences for breaking those expectations/rules, and a system of documenting the interventions attempted to reduce the problem behavior through positive support and explicit teaching of appropriate behaviors. When students follow expectations, they can receive various incentives.
Students who exhibit the characteristics of a good student (safe, respectful, and responsible) will be able to earn “Gator Bucks” throughout the school day by all staff members. Students will be able to spend their money at The Gator Shop every other week.
Students who have less than 3 office referrals during each 9 weeks will also get an invitation to The Gator Way Celebration held at the end of each 9 weeks. Students will start each 9 weeks with a new chance to earn the next Gator Way Celebration. Students will receive an office referral for any major behaviors or once they have received 3 self-assessment forms for the same behavior. The self-assessment forms are designed for students to reflect on their choices and work on making improvements in the future. If your child completes a self-assessment form, it will be sent home for a parent/guardian signature.